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Mikoto permission system uses a bitset to represent permissions. Keep in mind that the Mikoto API will return the bitset as a string, and you will need to convert it to a number before you can use it. You should be using your language's big integer to handle the bitset.

Management Permissions

Superuser (1 << 0)

Grants all control over the space, overriding all permissions. Gives the user exact same permissions as being the server owner.

ManageSpace (1 << 1)

Edit space settings.

ManageChannel (1 << 2)

Edit/Rename/Delete all channels, and subchannels. Do not use this role for granting access for subchannel management.

ManageRoles (1 << 3)

Create/Delete new roles. Cannot create or delete roles equal or above the rank of user, or create a new role to be greater than existing role.

ManageMemberRoles (1 << 4)

Ability to modify permissions of users below them. Cannot modify users equal or below the rank, or grant any users equal or greater rank (unless overridden by superuser)


Ability to edit the space profile of other users with lower rank.


Ability to delete messages.


Ability to delete messages.


Ability to kick and ban users.

Channel Permissions


Ability to read channel. In voice, this means that the user will be able to spectate, but not participate in conversation.


Ability to send message in the channel.


Ability to create subchannels in a given channel, as well as delete threads created by self.


Superset of CreateSubchannel. Gives the ability to create threads and subchannels, as well as to delete and move them.